How to use the "ALE to COPRA XML" command line converter
- export an .ALE containing metadata (like Scene, Shot, Take, etc.) from within DaVinci Resolve, Avid Media Composer, Pomfort Silverstack, etc.
- download the command line converter (linked at the end of this article)
- open up a Terminal and navigate to the downloaded utility
- use the tool as following:
php copraxmlconvert.php -i <input> -o <output> -m <media> -p <project> -t <task> -r <reel> -n <file_header> -u <file_header_rename> -f
Here's an overview of the options:
<input> Input ALE file [Required]
<output> Path to XML output file [Required]
<media> Path to Directory in which the media files are stored. [Required]
<project> Name of the Project on COPRA Server [Optional]
<task> Name of the Task on COPRA Server [Optional]
<reel> Name of the Reel on COPRA Server [Optional]
<file_header> Custom ALE Header name which includes the filename [Optional]
<file_header_rename> Custom ALE Header name which includes the filename. filepath will be ignored [Optional]
-f Force: Create XML file even if Video files can not be found [Optional]
Supported Metadata Fields on COPRA
Here's an overview of the ALE mappings in the format
"COPRA Metadata field" is tried to be filled with data from one of the following -> ALE column headers
SCENE -> 'Scene'
SHOT -> 'Camera_index', 'Camera'
TAKE -> 'Take'
SELECTED TAKE -> 'Circled Take', 'Circle'
SHOT DATE -> 'Shoot Day', 'Date_camera', 'Shoot Date'
CAMERA FILE NAME -> 'File', 'Source File', 'UniqueID', 'orgFilename', 'Name'
FILE NAME -> 'File', 'Source File', 'Name', 'UNC'
CAMROLL -> 'Roll/Card', 'Camera_id', 'CamRoll', 'Camroll'
SOURCE FORMAT -> 'Original video', 'Source Format'
WIDTH -> 'Frame_width', 'FrameWidth', 'Source Width'
HEIGHT -> 'Frame_height', 'FrameHeight', 'Source Height'
FRAMERATE -> 'FPS', 'Framerate', 'Project_fps'
TC START -> 'Start'
TC END -> 'End'
DURATION -> 'Duration'
LENGTH -> 'Length'
COLORIST -> 'Colorist', 'Operator'
SYSTEM -> 'Manufacturer'
QC NOTES -> 'User_info1', 'User_info2', etc.
CAMERA -> 'Camera Type', 'Camera', 'Camera_model'
CAMERA SN -> 'Camera_sn'
To import metadata for "Scene", "Shot" and "Take" make sure that your ALE contains the "Scene" data in a column named "Scene", the "Shot" data in a column either named "Camera_index" or "Camera" and the "Take" data in a column named "Take".