- in Media Composer, process your dailies clips as usual (syncing sound; either assigning or importing metadata like Scene, Shot, Take; etc.) and put all clips onto a sequence
- export an .ALE (highlight the bin containing your clips, then “File > Export” and choose “Avid Log Exchange”)
- export the individual clips, using the following H264-export recommendations:
Please note: COPRA accepts h264 or h265-files in either .mp4 or .mov-container, no limitations in resolution or bitrate. Please see our encoding recommendations
- login to COPRA, choose the project, task and reel that you want to import into
- click on ADD, now simply drag-n-drop all the exported files together with the ALE onto the upload area (alternative: use ADD FILES)
Please make sure that all the clips referenced in the ALE are also uploaded at the same time as the ALE, currently it's not possible to attach the ALE to clips that were already uploaded.
Here's an overview of the ALE mappings in the format
"COPRA Metadata field" is tried to be filled with data from one of the following -> ALE column headers
SCENE -> 'Scene'
SHOT -> 'Camera_index', 'Camera'
TAKE -> 'Take'
SELECTED TAKE -> 'Circled Take', 'Circle'
SHOT DATE -> 'Shoot Day', 'Date_camera', 'Shoot Date'
CAMERA FILE NAME -> 'File', 'Source File', 'UniqueID', 'orgFilename', 'Name'
FILE NAME -> 'File', 'Source File', 'Name', 'UNC'
CAMROLL -> 'Roll/Card', 'Camera_id', 'CamRoll', 'Camroll'
SOURCE FORMAT -> 'Original video', 'Source Format'
WIDTH -> 'Frame_width', 'FrameWidth', 'Source Width'
HEIGHT -> 'Frame_height', 'FrameHeight', 'Source Height'
FRAMERATE -> 'FPS', 'Framerate', 'Project_fps'
TC START -> 'Start'
TC END -> 'End'
DURATION -> 'Duration'
LENGTH -> 'Length'
COLORIST -> 'Colorist', 'Operator'
SYSTEM -> 'Manufacturer'
QC NOTES -> 'User_info'
CAMERA -> 'Camera Type', 'Camera', 'Camera_model'
CAMERA SN -> 'Camera_sn'
To import metadata for "Scene", "Shot" and "Take" make sure that your ALE contains the "Scene" data in a column named "Scene", the "Shot" data in a column either named "Camera_index" or "Camera" and the "Take" data in a column named "Take".